Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wilderness Survival Campout

In May our troop had another camp out at the Garden of Eden.  It was a Wilderness Survival Camp to work on the Wilderness Survival merit badge.  It rained 80% of the time and by the end everyone was freezing and wet.  We worked on our Totin' Chip and even though we tried to make a fire, it failed because the wood was too wet. 

My assistant patrol leader and I made a bridge out of ropes and sticks and it could hold 210 lbs. 

We made shelters to sleep in by using two tarps.  One tarp went on the ground and the other went above.  The shelter mostly kept me dry, but my friends Brady and Karsten got somewhat soaked.  Next time we need to make a better shelter so we can all stay dry. 

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