Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Boy Scout Summer Camps

In Summer 2011 I was so lucky to go to two Boy Scout summer camps.

The first camp was called Camp Bayern and was in the alps in Garmisch, Germany.  Normally, my family loves to visit Garmisch for skiing, so it was cool to visit for camp.   I went to this camp with some old friends in Troop 44, which is not my regular troop.  Everyone was really nice to me and welcomed me even though I was not in their troop.

The weather was crazy though and one day it even hailed and we practically had a river running right through our camp.  I participated in the FROG program which is a special camp program for brand new Boy Scouts.  I also worked on and completed two merit badges called First Aid and Geocaching.  These were my very first merit badges!

 My favorite activity at Camp Bayern was the big hike which was at least 6 miles.  We hiked through a gorge with caves, wooden bridges and waterfalls. 

Two weeks later I went to a different summer camp with my regular troop.  This camp was called Camp Freedom which is near Ansbach, Germany.  I worked on four merit badges which were Archery, Emergency Preparedness, Leatherworking, and Orienteering. 

We all took turns helping prepare or clean up for meals.  The food was okay some days and other days it wasn't that great.  No offense to the staff.  

I liked playing Frisbee and chess with my troop during free time and I believe I was one of the best chess players in the troop.

I can't wait till next summer to go to summer camp!

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