Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First camp out of the fall

Our troop went on another campout at the Garden of Eden from September 9th to the 11th.  I was an assistant grubmaster which means that I helped Mr. D, my Scoutmaster, shop for the food.

We started by setting up our tents and teaching the new Scouts how to set up their tents.  We had our dinner, played some games and then went to bed.

The next morning we got up and cooked breakfast and then we did activities.  We started working on the Firem'n Chit and the Totin' Chip.  We also worked on First Aid. 

At one point I had to go to my flag football game and then my dad brought me back so I could continue camping with my troop.

For dinner we had pasta with meat and I helped clean up.  My patrol leader burned some pasta to the bottom of a pot and we needed help cleaning it up from some of the adults.

That night we had a campfire and lots of boys were singing, "A hundred bottles of beer on the wall," which took forever to finish.  After that a lot of boys played manhunt, but I felt tired so I went to bed. 

The next morning we had eggs, bacon and milk in a plastic bag for breakfast.  After breakfast we packed up the tents and our stuff and we put it in cars and trucks and went back to the Scout Hut.

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