Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Crossover into Troop 154

On March 29th I crossed over from Cub Scout Pack 44 to Boy Scout Troop 154.  My pack held a ceremony for all of the Webelos at the Garden of Eden which is in Boeblingen, Germany near Panzer Kaserne.  The local Order of the Arrow arrow men came to the ceremony and helped out with the crossover.  After we received our Arrow of Light, the highest award in Cub Scouting, we were all allowed to shoot a flaming arrow which was cool.  After shooting the arrow, we crossed over into our new troops.  Most of the boys crossed over into Troop 44, but I crossed over into Troop 154.  I was greeted by my new Scoutmaster and some Boy Scouts from the troop.  I was excited to start the Boy Scouts and I could tell that being in this troop would be fun. 

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